Friday 20 March 2015

Crees work and MLC life - Friday 20th

Hello everyooonnee!! Another pretty quick blog post here but i thought i would try and quickly summarise what a typucal week here at the mlc is like! The weeks are really busy and we work out in the forest 6 days, then have sundays off! Everyday we go out on a different survey in groups of 2 or 3- some of the different surveys we do include checking pitfall and butterfly traps in different forest types and collecting the butterflies, frogs, reptiles and small mammals we find, i.d them and then process tjeir info. We do nighttime transects of thw forest where we walk really slowly with oour headtorches catching frogs and reptiles we find, which usuually go on from about 5:30-01:00am, and avian mammal transects to listen for and record bird abd mammal calls we hear, which happens from 4:30-9:00am. Other surveys we do are palms and necromass surveys where we section off plots in the forest and measure different species of trees, palms, dead wood and cavity nests and stuff. We also work in our biogarden on camp and sometimes do research/general work in the project room. We usually go out all day from 8:00am to 4/5pmish, and we take lunch with us and eat in the forest or at a river, which is amazing. i dont know the exact number but i reckon we trek about 4/5-10k each day on some realky hilky terrain, but i absolutely LOVE being out in the forest- its so sweaty, tough and exhausting most of the time but coming back to camp after a long tiring day is just the best feeling ever- endorphins are a BIG thing here. In the evenings we have dinner by candlelight, help with serving food and washing up, play games and read and stuff, occassionally drink, play bug group games and sometimes have talkstalks and presentations. On sundays everyone tends to nap alot, hang out at the hammocks, sometimes we go swimming in the river and pkay footbalk/ frisbee. You get to know people really well here since you spend so much time together, and as cliche as it sounds, it really is like a big family of dirty-mouthed, hilarious, mischevious but ultimately really hardworking kids. I just love everything about being here (apart from missing everyone at home of coyrse) and i hope ive finalky beeN able to give a decent imoression of what life is like here! Love and miss everyone xxxxx

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