Monday 13 April 2015

Camping in the jungle - Monday 13th

Hi everybodyyy! I hope everything is good back home, im missing everybody lots! Life has been going on as normal here, i cant believe i only have 1 month left, i never wanna leave the MLC!! I've had an amazing couple of weeks, last week i spent a night camping in the forest at one of my favourite sites with 3 of my friends so we could do an early morning survey far away from camp- it was such a fun night, we left before dinner and trekked about 5k with all of our stuff, then we set up our campsite, put on some music and made a fire, ate dinner and toasted marshmallows, then slept in hammocks listening to all the jungle noises, it was sooo awesome! We're trying to plan another camping trip before a few of my closest friends leave in a couple of weeks, so fingers crossed I'll get to go again! I've also started leading surveys and training the new volunteers on the species I.D test which is awesome because volunteers aren't normally allowed to, so it feels really good to be given some bigger responsibilities! Leading a survey basically just means that you take a group of volunteers out into the forest by yourself and are in charge of planning your route/preparing for the survey, briefing your group, making sure the survey is carried out properly and then filling out the necessary data sheets when you get back- i absolutely love leading and taking people out into the forest now that i know the trails and am really comfortable with everything, it's so much fun! Its been a great couple of weeks for sightings in the jungle as well- I've seen a big group of wooly monkeys which are really rare, howler monkeys which are rare as well, ocelot footprints, tamarind monkeys, a rainbow boa, a cayman, and a big pack of angry smelly peccary, which are like big aggressive wild boars which sound like thunder when they walk and smell like chinese food, but in a bad way. So lots of awesome things, I've been really lucky! This week i've got a lot going on, we just got a group of new volunteers in so things are very busy at camp and we have the founder of Crees coming to visit tomorrow. I'm heading back to Salvacion (a nearby town) tomorrow to help build another biogarden, so we'll stay the night, have some good food and stock up on fruit and snacks and stuff, I'm really excited! Other than that, its business as usual here! Please everybody send me messages and update me on everything going on back home, I'm so out of the loop and missing everyone loads! Lots of love! Xxx

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