Sunday 8 February 2015

Alpaca pizza and llama ice cream - Sunday 8th

Hello! Hope everyone is doing well back home and not missing me too much (mum and dad, I'm looking at you!). I'm afraid I don't have anything too interesting to report from today so I'll try and keep this short rather than rambling alot like yesterday! I slept pretty well last night, I watched a movie in bed and fell asleep by about 11, and got up at 10 this morning, so I feel a lot more rested and not too jet lagged today! The weather today was amazing, so sunnybu but breezy so it was perfect! I decided to explore a little further than I did yesterday and try and get most of my shopping for the jungle done , so I headed out to some markets and the pharmacy and stuff and got pretty much everything I need. The markets here are so colourful and they have loads of cool alpaca and llama themed stuff, and lots of jumpers and ponchos- I got a really cool bag with a llama on it to to keep in the crees office with all the stuff I don't need in the jungle. After lots of walking and shopping, I was really hungry and I wanted something Peruvian but I was also in the mood for a nicer restaurant rather than street food type stuff, so I went to a nice Peruvian grill type restaurant just off the main square and had a cusqueña beer and an alpaca pepperoni pizza (ok so not really that Peruvian, but I was super hungry and they didn't have guinea pig on the menu, and it was AMAZING, maybe the best pizza I've ever had!). Anyway I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and wondering wandering around taking photos and I had a coffee in a little cafe on a balcony and took lots of pictures of people like the creep I am, so it was a lovely day all in all. Oh and I saw a woman sharing an ice cream with her baby llama, which pretty much made my day! At the moment I'm just relaxing in the living room at the hostel, I might watch a movie in a bit then head out for some dinner. The guy that picked me up from the airport said there was going to be another volunteer arriving ttoday, but I haven't seen anyone around the hostel yet, so fingers crossed they'll surface soon! Going to have to wash my hair tonight which I'm crying on the inside about because it means the end of my nice straight hair, and hello frizzy jungle hair :( Ok so that wasn't really as short as I was planning but oh well! I'm still trying to figure out how to get pictures on here but for the moment I'll put some of my mobile pictures up on Facebook! Only two more days left in civilisation, aaaahhh!!! Xxx

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Great to hear your updates! Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx
