Tuesday 10 February 2015

New arrivals! Monday 9th

Hola everyone! Again, not much to report from today, sorry!! The good thing about today is that some of the other volunteers arrived at the hostel! Friieennddss yay! I went out for breakfast earlyish this morning because I got woken up by noisy people at 7 and couldn't get back to sleep, grr. It was pretty rainy today and I kneww the other volunteers were arriving at some point, so I decided to hang around the hostel and try and be around when they got here, which I was so that was good! Four people arrived this afternoon, they're all really nice and friendly so far and I had some good chats with a few of them this evening- definitely people I can get on with there and I'm excited to get to know everyone! We're still waiting on one more, but he may have already arrived at some point this evening for all I know! Tomorrow we're meeting at 9 for our trip to the crees office and orientation day which I'm excited about because I'll get to see everyone who I'll be spending the next few months with and find out more about the next few days and our journey into the jungle! This evening everyone was pretty jet lagged and feeling bad from the altitude so it was only me and one other volunteer, David, for dinner. We went to a little Peruvian restaurant just down the road and I had an amazing quinoa salad because I was craving vegetables. David has done all kinds of jungle/biology related stuff and just recently bought a piece of jungle in Belize, so he had plenty of interesting stories to tell, but I started to feel sooo sick towards the end of dinner so I'm back at the hostel now and luckily feeling a bit better! I still can't believe I'll be in the jungle in a few days, its still soo surreal!! Xxx

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