Saturday 7 February 2015

Saturday 7th - I made it to Peru!!

Hello everybody! I made it to Peru! This is actually a miraculous thing, because I spent yesterday morning having a last minute tooth extraction, the whole of yesterday and last night sprinting through airports, nearly missing flights and nearly being picked up by rogue taxi drivers who knew my full name. But I'm here, I'm safe and I'm very very tired! I got collected from Cusco airport this morning by a very friendly crees staff member who brought me to my hostel and gave me some good information and advice about cusco, along with a crees t-shirt and welcome pack, which has got me soo excited to get to the jungle in a few days! I have my own room in the hostel with a tv, bathroom etc which is really nice, so I had a nice long nap when I arrived, showered, then headed out this afternoon to explore. The main square and Sol avenue (a big street where all the banks, big shops etc are) are just 2 mins down the road- I felt very safe walking around by myself, and I genuinely haven't felt so happy or excited in ages as I was when I was just wandering around looking at all these amazing things! It's very very surreal to be here and to be so far from home and completely by myself! It's so beautiful here though and I've seen some magical and hilariously Peruvian things already (women walking around with baby Llamas on their backs etc) which I'll attach pictures of! The weather was amazing this afternoon, it was sunny but cool and not at all humid, but then as I was having lunch in Starbucks (disappointing I know, but tbf it was the only cafe I could find in a good location for people watching) thunder and lightning started and by the time I left it was pouring with rain, as it is now! So I'm back at the hostel now eavesdropping on a group that are having a welcome talk in the next room- I haven't really felt many negative effects of the altitude so far, other than when I've been sitting down for a while like right now, I kind of feel like I'm bobbing up and down on a boat, which is weird. That may just be tiredness though for all I know. Anyway I realise that this has been a long yet quite boring update, so I shall attach some pictures and sign off now! Love and miss everyone back home! If you wanna get in touch I'll be able to get on Facebook until Tuesday, or just comment on here or email me at xxx

Ps- having a hard time uploading photos tonight, so I'll try again tomorrow during the day when there'll be less people using the WiFi!

Pps- thank you so much to everyone who sent messages before I left yesterday and so sorry for not replying, I was so stressed out! But love and miss you all!

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